Bolterpeton Jaw Fossil Reptile – Permian; 270 Million years old, Oklahoma, USA. CERTIFICATED


(Actual as seen)

All of our Fossils are 100% Genuine Specimens & come with a Certificate of Authenticity


Specimen: Bolterpeton Jaw

Age: Permian; 270 Million years old.

Location: Oklahoma, USA


Scale cube=1cm: Full sizing please see photo


Bolterpeton is a fascinating genus of extinct reptiles that lived during the Early Permian period, approximately 290 million years ago. Fossil remains of Bolterpeton have been discovered in Oklahoma, USA, offering valuable insights into the diversity of prehistoric life in North America.

Discovery and Significance

  • Location: Fossil specimens of Bolterpeton have been primarily found in the rich fossil beds of Oklahoma, a region known for its well-preserved Permian vertebrate fossils.
  • Paleontological Importance: The discovery of Bolterpeton fossils helps scientists understand the evolutionary history of early reptiles and their ecosystems during the Permian period. These fossils contribute to our knowledge of vertebrate diversity and adaptation before the rise of the dinosaurs.

Physical Characteristics

  • Size and Appearance: Bolterpeton was a small to medium-sized reptile. While the exact size can vary, typical specimens suggest a length of around 1 to 2 feet. The fossils indicate a robust body structure with well-developed limbs, adapted for a terrestrial lifestyle.
  • Skull and Dentition: The skull of Bolterpeton exhibits features typical of early reptiles, with a mix of primitive and derived characteristics. The teeth suggest a diet that may have included insects and small vertebrates, indicative of a carnivorous or insectivorous diet.
  • Skeleton: The postcranial skeleton of Bolterpeton shows adaptations for a semi-erect posture, which would have facilitated efficient movement on land. The limb bones are sturdy, and the vertebral column shows evidence of strong musculature.

Habitat and Lifestyle

  • Environment: During the Early Permian, the region that is now Oklahoma was a part of the supercontinent Pangaea, characterized by diverse environments ranging from arid deserts to lush wetlands. Bolterpeton likely inhabited areas with a mix of terrestrial and aquatic habitats.
  • Behavior: Based on its physical characteristics, Bolterpeton was likely an active predator, hunting small animals in its environment. Its strong limbs and agile body would have made it well-suited for navigating the varied terrain of the Permian landscape.

Fossil Preservation

  • Condition: Bolterpeton fossils from Oklahoma are typically well-preserved, allowing paleontologists to study the intricate details of its anatomy. These fossils are often found in sedimentary rock formations that were part of ancient floodplains and river systems.
  • Research and Exhibits: Fossils of Bolterpeton are important for scientific research and are featured in museum collections, where they help educate the public about the rich prehistoric heritage of Oklahoma and the evolutionary history of reptiles.


Bolterpeton fossils from Oklahoma, USA, represent a remarkable chapter in the story of early reptilian life on Earth. These fossils not only shed light on the anatomy and lifestyle of Bolterpeton but also contribute to our broader understanding of the evolutionary pathways that led to the diverse array of reptiles seen today. The discovery and study of Bolterpeton continue to inspire and inform both scientists and enthusiasts alike.

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All of our Fossils are 100% Genuine Specimens & come with a Certificate of Authenticity


Specimen: Bolterpeton Jaw

Age: Permian; 270 Million years old.

Location: Oklahoma, USA


Scale cube=1cm: Full sizing please see photo


Bolterpeton is a fascinating genus of extinct reptiles that lived during the Early Permian period, approximately 290 million years ago. Fossil remains of Bolterpeton have been discovered in Oklahoma, USA, offering valuable insights into the diversity of prehistoric life in North America.

Discovery and Significance

  • Location: Fossil specimens of Bolterpeton have been primarily found in the rich fossil beds of Oklahoma, a region known for its well-preserved Permian vertebrate fossils.
  • Paleontological Importance: The discovery of Bolterpeton fossils helps scientists understand the evolutionary history of early reptiles and their ecosystems during the Permian period. These fossils contribute to our knowledge of vertebrate diversity and adaptation before the rise of the dinosaurs.

Physical Characteristics

  • Size and Appearance: Bolterpeton was a small to medium-sized reptile. While the exact size can vary, typical specimens suggest a length of around 1 to 2 feet. The fossils indicate a robust body structure with well-developed limbs, adapted for a terrestrial lifestyle.
  • Skull and Dentition: The skull of Bolterpeton exhibits features typical of early reptiles, with a mix of primitive and derived characteristics. The teeth suggest a diet that may have included insects and small vertebrates, indicative of a carnivorous or insectivorous diet.
  • Skeleton: The postcranial skeleton of Bolterpeton shows adaptations for a semi-erect posture, which would have facilitated efficient movement on land. The limb bones are sturdy, and the vertebral column shows evidence of strong musculature.

Habitat and Lifestyle

  • Environment: During the Early Permian, the region that is now Oklahoma was a part of the supercontinent Pangaea, characterized by diverse environments ranging from arid deserts to lush wetlands. Bolterpeton likely inhabited areas with a mix of terrestrial and aquatic habitats.
  • Behavior: Based on its physical characteristics, Bolterpeton was likely an active predator, hunting small animals in its environment. Its strong limbs and agile body would have made it well-suited for navigating the varied terrain of the Permian landscape.

Fossil Preservation

  • Condition: Bolterpeton fossils from Oklahoma are typically well-preserved, allowing paleontologists to study the intricate details of its anatomy. These fossils are often found in sedimentary rock formations that were part of ancient floodplains and river systems.
  • Research and Exhibits: Fossils of Bolterpeton are important for scientific research and are featured in museum collections, where they help educate the public about the rich prehistoric heritage of Oklahoma and the evolutionary history of reptiles.


Bolterpeton fossils from Oklahoma, USA, represent a remarkable chapter in the story of early reptilian life on Earth. These fossils not only shed light on the anatomy and lifestyle of Bolterpeton but also contribute to our broader understanding of the evolutionary pathways that led to the diverse array of reptiles seen today. The discovery and study of Bolterpeton continue to inspire and inform both scientists and enthusiasts alike.

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(Actual as seen)


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