Lemurian Quartz

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Lemurian quartz is a type of clear quartz crystal that is found in the Serra do Cabral mountain range in Brazil. These crystals are known for their unique appearance, which includes horizontal striations along their sides and sometimes even etchings of what are believed to be ancient symbols.

In spiritual and healing practices, Lemurian quartz is said to have a very high vibration and is believed to carry the energy of the ancient civilization of Lemuria, which is said to have existed thousands of years ago. Lemurian quartz is often used in meditation and energy healing practices, where it is believed to help access higher consciousness and activate the crown and third eye chakras.

Lemurian quartz is also believed to be a powerful tool for spiritual growth and emotional healing. It is said to help release negative energy and emotional blockages, as well as promote feelings of peace, love, and compassion. Lemurian quartz is often used by those who are seeking to connect with their spiritual purpose and awaken their full potential.

Due to their unique appearance and powerful energy, Lemurian quartz crystals are highly valued by collectors, enthusiasts, and spiritual seekers alike. They are often used in jewelry and decorative objects, as well as in spiritual and healing practices.

In conclusion, Lemurian quartz is a beautiful and powerful crystal that is highly valued for its unique appearance and metaphysical properties. Whether you are a collector, a jewelry designer, or a spiritual seeker, Lemurian quartz is definitely worth exploring. With its connection to ancient wisdom and its positive energy, Lemurian quartz is a crystal that has captured the attention of both scientists and spiritual seekers alike.