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Starstone Tumblestones from China, Spiritual Stones for Alignment and Connection

SIZE (Picture scale cube=1cm): 15-30mm (Range)

All of our Minerals & Crystals are 100% Genuine Specimens & come with a Certificate of Authenticity

Blue Goldstone, also known as Starstone, is a Healing Crystal that is associated with the throat chakra. Harnessing the properties of copper, Goldstone has the effect of boosting life-force and promoting vitality. When carried, it aids in increasing the strength of circulation in the body, ensuring bone density, and will help relieve joint pains such as rheumatism and arthritis as well as reducing stomach pains or grumbling experienced from anxiety.

Goldstone is a man-made stone made from coloured glass that has had flakes of copper added to it to create a beautiful glittery effect. This effect is said to resemble the stars at night which helps us connect to our dreams. Placed under your pillow it helps with sleep and promotes intuition. These stones can also produce asterisms when light is reflected from the internal flakes.

Asterism refers to a star effect. The star is similar to a cat’s eye. The effect is caused by light reflecting off internal, silk-like inclusions. However, in a star stone, the inclusions are crossed rather than straight. Corundum and quartz crystalize in the hexagonal system and develop six-rayed stars. Garnet and diopside have four-rayed stars. You’ll rarely find star quartz in jewelry. The star is faint and most often seen in spheres. Even then, good lighting is required to see the star clearly.

WILL DIFFER TO PHOTOThe image shows an example of the single specimen you will receive. This will be picked from our stock box graded and with a size approximately within the size range indicated. It will not be the same specimen shown in the photo, the colours, shape, size and style may vary as with any natural item. To guarantee the specimen you receive will be representative by that in photo, we would always recommend the Actual as seen version of this item.


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