
Showing 1–28 of 43 results

Showing 1–28 of 43 results

Labradorite is a feldspar mineral that is highly valued for its unique and stunning iridescence. It was first discovered in Labrador, Canada, in the late 18th century, and has since become a highly sought-after gemstone and ornamental stone.

Labradorite typically has a dark gray to black base color, but is characterized by its spectacular play of colors, which can range from blue, green, yellow, and orange, to violet and red. This phenomenon is known as labradorescence, and is caused by the interference of light within the mineral’s crystal lattice.

In addition to its beauty, labradorite is also highly valued for its metaphysical properties. It is believed to promote a sense of calm and inner strength, as well as to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness. The mineral is often used in energy healing practices, where it is believed to help release negative energy and promote a sense of balance and harmony.

Labradorite is often used in the production of jewelry, where its unique play of colors and attractive appearance make it highly sought after by collectors and gemstone enthusiasts. It is also used as a decorative stone in the production of sculptures, vases, and other ornamental objects.

Despite its relative rarity, labradorite remains a highly valued and popular gemstone and ornamental stone. With its unique beauty and powerful metaphysical properties, labradorite is a mineral that is definitely worth exploring for anyone interested in the fascinating world of minerals and gemstones.