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  • Danburite

    CZK Kč653.87
    SKU: RS0938
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  • Danburite heart chakra crystal – spiritual healing mineral stone certificated

    CZK Kč759.21
    SKU: RP1160
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  • Danburite – healing crystal mineral stone, authentic, uk seller

    CZK Kč799.17
    SKU: RP1236
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  • Danburite: danburite crystal – high-quality mineral for meditation and enlightenment

    (Actual as seen) CZK Kč1020.76
    SKU: RP0908
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Danburite is a mineral that is a type of calcium boron silicate, primarily composed of calcium, boron, silicon, and oxygen. It is typically found in the form of transparent to translucent, prismatic crystals or in massive formations, and is known for its distinctive and beautiful crystal structure.

Danburite crystal is highly valued for its unique and striking appearance, and is often used in jewelry and decorative objects. It is also used in a wide range of industrial applications, particularly in the production of boron-based chemicals and as a flux in glass-making.

In addition to its physical properties, danburite is also believed to have powerful metaphysical properties that make it a popular choice among spiritual seekers and healers. It is said to promote a sense of inner peace and tranquility, and to help with emotional healing and balance. The crystal is also believed to help with physical healing, particularly in the areas of the nervous system and the immune system.

Danburite is often used in energy healing practices, where it is believed to help release negative energy and promote a sense of balance and harmony. It is also used in meditation and spiritual practices, where it is believed to help with accessing higher states of consciousness and connecting with higher realms of existence.

Despite its relatively limited availability, danburite remains a highly sought-after mineral among collectors and enthusiasts, who value its unique and vibrant appearance, as well as its positive energy and healing properties.

In conclusion, danburite crystal is a fascinating and beautiful mineral that is highly valued for its physical and metaphysical properties. Whether you are a collector, a jewelry designer, or a spiritual seeker, danburite is definitely worth exploring. With its unique crystal structure and positive energy, danburite is a mineral that has captured the attention of both scientists and spiritual seekers alike.